Graph-Based Visual Saliency
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var testfont=new function() { this.digitPad = 20; this.groupPad = 10; this.heightFrac = 0.45; this.widthFrac = .5; this.bgColor = [0, 0, 0]; this.baseColor = [ 0, 250, 0 ]; this.partColor = { a:[ 250, 0, 0,], b:[ 250, 250, 250, 1]}; this.secondColor = this.baseColor; this.colonColors = [ this.baseColor , this.baseColor ]; this.baseLineWidth = 0; this.partLineWidth = 9; this.colonRadius = 2; this.beginAniTime = 0.5; this.endAniTime = 1; this.lineCap = 'butt'; this.showRightColons = false; this.hoursScale= { val: 1 , pos: 'top' , offset:[1,-.45] }; this.minutesScale= { val: 1 , pos: 'top' , offset:[1,-.45] }; this.secondsScale= { val: .75 , pos: 'top' , offset:[-1,.750] }; this.baseInFront = true; this.pulsate = false; this.sevenSegment = false; this.defaultTrans = { type:'flip', turns: 0, via:'lin'} this.lineCap = 'round'; this.connected = false; this.ampmShow = true; var trans0={a:[ 200, 200, 200, .25], b:[ 150, 250, 150, .5 ]}; this.t = new Array(); for (var i=0;i<=50;i++) this.t[i] = new Array(); this.t[0].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', mov:0, via: 'occ', to: 0 }); this.t[0].push({ src: 1, type: 'flip', mov:1, via: 'occ', to: 0 }); this.t[0].push({ src: 1, type: 'loop', mov:1, via: 'occ', to: 0, col:trans0, turns:0 }); this.t[1].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', mov:1, via: 'acc', to: 0 }); this.t[1].push({ src: 0, type: 'flip', mov:0, via: 'acc', to: 1}); this.t[1].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', mov:0, via: 'acc', to: 2 }); this.t[1].push({ src: 0, type: 'loop', mov:0, via: 'acc', to: 2, col:trans0, turns:0 }); this.t[2].push({ src: 0, type: 'flip', via: 'occ', to: 1 }); this.t[2].push({ src: 1, type: 'flip', via: 'occ', to: 0 }); this.t[2].push({ src: 2, type: 'shrink', via: 'occ', to: 0 }); this.t[2].push({ src: 2, type: 'shrink', via: 'occ', to: 0 }); this.t[2].push({ src: 2, type: 'loop', via: 'occ', to: 1, col:trans0, turns:1 }); this.t[3].push({ src: 1, type: 'flip', mov:0, to: 1 }); this.t[3].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', mov:1, via: 'lin', to: 0 }); this.t[3].push({ src: 0, type: 'flip', via: 'lin', to: 2 }); this.t[3].push({ src: 1, type: 'loop', via: 'lin', to: 2, col:trans0, turns:0 }); this.t[4].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', to: 0 }); this.t[4].push({ src: 1, type: 'shift', to: 1 }); this.t[4].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', to: 0 }); this.t[4].push({ src: 2, type: 'shift', via: 'lin', to: 2 }); this.t[4].push({ src: 2, type: 'flip', via: 'lin', to: 3 }); this.t[4].push({ src: 2, type: 'loop', via: 'lin', to: 3 , col:trans0, turns:0}); this.t[5].push({ src: 1, type: 'shrink',to:0, mov:0,t:[0,1]}); this.t[5].push({ src: 3, type: 'flip', to: 1 }); this.t[5].push({ src: 2, type: 'flip', to: 2 }); this.t[5].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', to: 0 }); this.t[5].push({ src: 3, type: 'loop', to: 0, col:trans0 }); this.t[6].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift',to:0, via: 'accc', mov:0,t:[0,1]}); this.t[6].push({ src: 1, type: 'shift', to: 1, via: 'accc' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[6].push({ src: 2, type: 'flip', to: 1, via: 'accc' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[6].push({ src: 0, type: 'loop', to: 1, via: 'accc' , t:[0,1], col:trans0, turns:-1}); this.t[7].push({ src: 0, type: 'flip',to:0, via: 'lin', mov:0,t:[0,1]}); this.t[7].push({ src: 1, type: 'shift', to: 2, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[7].push({ src: 1, type: 'flip', to: 3, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[7].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', to: 1, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[7].push({ src: 1, type: 'loop', to: 2, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1], col:trans0, turns:1}); this.t[8].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', to: 2, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[8].push({ src: 1, type: 'shift', to: 1, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[8].push({ src: 2, type: 'flip', to: 0, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[8].push({ src: 3, type: 'shrink', to: 0, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[8].push({ src: 2, type: 'loop', to: 0, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1], col:trans0, turns:1}); this.t[9].push({ src: 0, type: 'shift', to: 1, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[9].push({ src: 1, type: 'shift', to: 0, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[9].push({ src: 2, type: 'shift', to: 1, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1]}); this.t[9].push({ src: 0, type: 'loop', to: 1, via: 'lin' , t:[0,1],col:trans0, turns:1}); this.strokes = [[[[189,63],[100,100],[100,495.6091065491803],[357,187]],[[56,103],[500,495.6091065491803],[277,414],[10,242]]],[[[79,551],[410,317],[300,363.73940436612014],[300,495.6091065491803]],[[130,77],[566,67],[300,366.66666666666663],[92,107]]],[[[147,472],[604.6153846153846,55.334455712189325],[19,290],[210,129]],[[180,79],[223.0769230769231,495.6091065491803],[263.0769230769231,495.6091065491803],[423.0769230769231,495.6091065491803]]],[[[210.76923076923077,109.57118806167372],[407.6923076923077,87.23841591776838],[506.1538461538462,192.52148459617925],[211,115]],[[218,500],[460,256.32940500733736],[447.69230769230774,537.084254816433],[210.76923076923077,495.6091065491803]],[[300,100],[310,502],[296,530],[347,113]]],[[[207.69230769230768,112.76158408223162],[140,342.47009756240084],[25,365],[314,514]],[[213,115],[282,471],[463,475],[98,136]],[[172,288],[183,452],[456,99],[300,500]]],[[[186,440],[487,364],[70,357],[213.84615384615384,100]],[[252,447],[333,144],[77,156],[62,189]],[[307,128],[413.84615384615387,533.8938587958751],[201.53846153846155,524.3226707342014],[195.3846153846154,419.0396020557905]]],[[[82,466],[431,499],[56.92307692307692,463.7051463436012],[413,223]],[[300,495.6091065491803],[444.61538461538464,495.6091065491803],[121,395],[89,108]],[[300,297.80455327459015],[235.3846153846154,307.37574133626384],[192.30769230769232,339.2797015418429],[353,97]]],[[[183.0769230769231,100],[105,389],[552,439],[260,506]],[[93,328],[355,154],[92,415],[183.0769230769231,495.6091065491803]]],[[[330.7692307692308,307.37574133626384],[335,67],[121.53846153846153,115.95198010278952],[241,431]],[[303.0769230769231,106.38079204111581],[503.0769230769231,115.95198010278952],[263.0769230769231,259.51980102789526],[235.3846153846154,316.94692939793754]],[[135,446],[196,152],[303,251],[333.84615384615387,482.84752246694865]],[[333.84615384615387,482.84752246694865],[243,106],[114,418],[4,134]]],[[[223.0769230769231,450.9435622613696],[450.7692307692308,645.5577195154018],[58,143],[430,464]],[[461,195],[173.84615384615384,84.04801989721048],[149.23076923076923,326.5181174596113],[146,485]],[[114,114],[386.1538461538462,316.94692939793754],[65,266],[169,395]]]]; }
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