Basic: Ctrl + s = search forward Ctrl + r = search backward Ctrl + k = cut Ctrl + y = paste Ctrl + _ = undo Ctrl + Space = mark set Alt + x, [full command] = explore all commands with autocomplete String replace: Alt + x, string-replace Alt + x, query-replace = string replace with Y/N on each matching instance Files: Ctrl + x + s = save buffer Ctrl + x + f = find/open file Ctrl + x + c = exit Ctrl + x , b = switch buffer Ctrl + x , k = kill buffer Indenting: (Ctrl + Alt), \ = indent region Moving around: Alt + > = end of buffer Alt + < = beginning of buffer Ctrl + p = move up one line Ctrl + n = move down one line Ctrl + e = end of line Ctrl + a = beginning of line Rectangular Cut: Ctrl + x, r, k Macros: Ctrl + x, ( = begin macro Ctrl + x, ) = end macro Ctrl + x, e = execute macro Interesting: Ctrl + t = transpose letters Alt + t = transpose words